Amanda is our paranormal investigator and tech expert. Her area of expertise is in evidence analysis and location/history research, making her our resident paranormal researcher.

She has had an interest in the paranormal from a young age. As a child she would borrow every book she could get her hands on from the library about ghosts and ghost stories. She also loved spooky TV shows and movies – even if they made her stay awake at night with her night light on. As a teen, the interest remained. Ghost stories and paranormal TV shows were her top priority of what to watch before bed, and she always wanted more.

In 2014 she got her beginnings as a paranormal investigator with a local paranormal investigations group. She became familiar with using different types of investigation equipment and strategies at numerous locations, and became adept with the tech portion of evidence analysis post-investigation.

In 2016, Amanda began to explore the spirituality side of herself when a friend invited her to join a monthly group meditation which she thoroughly enjoyed. In 2018 she became certified in level 2 Usui Reiki and plans to get her level 3 Usui Reiki Master certification within the next few years.

Amanda joined Lost Souls Spiritual Services as an investigator and researcher in 2017, Helping clients by corroborating audio and video evidence findings with Heather’s readings and impressions of a location. Most of her free time is usually spent going over any audio or video clips to see what viable evidence can be found or spending time at the local historical archives doing research. Being able to be a part of a group who helps clients find peace in their homes is one of the most fulfilling parts of being on the team.